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Paramètres initiaux leaflet

Maxime Wack 7 years ago
1 changed files with 68 additions and 67 deletions
  1. +68

+ 68
- 67
app.R View File

@@ -69,72 +69,73 @@ ui <- bootstrapPage(

server <- function(input, output, session)
# Create map
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet(communes, options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 7, maxZoom = 15)) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
addPolygons(weight = 1, color = "#222222", opacity = .1, fillOpacity = .1, fillColor = "#EEEEEE") %>%
setView(lat = 48.35, lng = 6, zoom = 9)
# Filter in bounds
in_bounds <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$map_bounds))
bounds <- input$map_bounds
latrng <- range(bounds$north, bounds$south)
lngrng <- range(bounds$east, bounds$west)
communes[lats >= latrng[1] & lats <= latrng[2] & lngs >= lngrng[1] & lngs <= lngrng[2],]
# Filter GHM
# filteredData <- reactive({
# GHM %>%
# filter(Sexe %in% input$check_sexe,
# Age <= input$slider_age[2] & Age >= input$slider_age[1],
# GHM %in% input$choice_ghm,
# date_entree <= input$slider_date[2] & date_sortie >= input$slider_date[1],
# CP %in% in_bounds$insee)
# })
# Plots
# observe({
# output$plot_sexe <- renderPlotly({
# filteredData() %>%
# (
# ggplot() +
# aes(x = Sexe) +
# geom_bar(position = "stacked")
# ) %>% ggplotly
# })
# })
# observe({
# output$plot_age <- renderPlotly({
# filteredData() %>%
# (
# ggplot() +
# aes(x = Age, y = ..density..) +
# geom_histogram() +
# geom_density()
# ) %>% ggplotly
# })
# })
# observe({
# leafletProxy("map", data = in_bounds()) %>%
# clearShapes() %>%
# })
# Use a separate observer to recreate the legend as needed.
# observe({
# Remove any existing legend, and only if the legend is
# enabled, create a new one.
# leafletProxy("map", data = quakes) %>%
# clearControls()
# if (input$legend) {
# pal <- colorpal()
# proxy %>% addLegend(position = "bottomright",
# pal = pal, values = ~mag
# )
# }
# })
# Server ----
server <- function(input, output, session)
# Create map
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet(communes, options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 6, maxZoom = 14)) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>%
#addPolygons(weight = 1, color = "#222222", opacity = .1, fillOpacity = .1, fillColor = "#EEEEEE") %>%
setView(lat = 48.35, lng = 6, zoom = 8)
# Filter in bounds
in_bounds <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$map_bounds))
bounds <- input$map_bounds
latrng <- range(bounds$north, bounds$south)
lngrng <- range(bounds$east, bounds$west)
communes[lats >= latrng[1] & lats <= latrng[2] & lngs >= lngrng[1] & lngs <= lngrng[2],]
# Filter GHM
# filteredData <- reactive({
# GHM %>%
# filter(Sexe %in% input$check_sexe,
# Age <= input$slider_age[2] & Age >= input$slider_age[1],
# GHM %in% input$choice_ghm,
# date_entree <= input$slider_date[2] & date_sortie >= input$slider_date[1],
# CP %in% in_bounds$insee)
# })
# Plots
# observe({
# output$plot_sexe <- renderPlotly({
# filteredData() %>%
# (
# ggplot() +
# aes(x = Sexe) +
# geom_bar(position = "stacked")
# ) %>% ggplotly
# })
# })
# observe({
# output$plot_age <- renderPlotly({
# filteredData() %>%
# (
# ggplot() +
# aes(x = Age, y = ..density..) +
# geom_histogram() +
# geom_density()
# ) %>% ggplotly
# })
# })
# observe({
# leafletProxy("map", data = in_bounds()) %>%
# clearShapes() %>%
# })
# Use a separate observer to recreate the legend as needed.
# observe({
# Remove any existing legend, and only if the legend is
# enabled, create a new one.
# leafletProxy("map", data = quakes) %>%
# clearControls()
# if (input$legend) {
# pal <- colorpal()
# proxy %>% addLegend(position = "bottomright",
# pal = pal, values = ~mag
# )
# }
# })

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
