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Import data functions

Maxime Wack 6 years ago
1 changed files with 114 additions and 36 deletions
  1. +114

+ 114
- 36
R/import.R View File

@@ -1,47 +1,125 @@
#' Import data into i2b2
#' Import data from a data frame into i2b2
#' The data dataframe must contain the following columns:
#' - encounter_ide: the original encounter ID
#' - patient_ide: the original patient ID
#' - start_date: the start date of the encounter, as Date object
#' - concept_cd: the concept to insert
#' - provider_id: the provider
#' - modifier_cd: optionnal modifier for the concept
#' Other observation fact columns can optionnaly be included,
#' such as end_date, valtype_cd, tval_char, nval_num, valueflag_cd, units_cd, etc.
#' The function creates and updates the corresponding patients and encounters,
#' inserts the new observations, and finally rebuilds the indexes in the database.
#' @param data A dataframe of observation facts
#' @param project The project to which to add the patients and their data
#' @param host The host to connect to
#' @param admin The admin account for the PostgreSQL database
#' @param pass The password for the admin account
#' @export
import_data <- function(data, project, host = "", admin = "", pass = "")
# #' Import data into i2b2
# #'
# #' Import data from a data frame into i2b2
# #'
# #' The data dataframe must contain the following columns:
# #' - encounter_ide: the original encounter ID
# #' - patient_ide: the original patient ID
# #' - start_date: the start date of the encounter, as Date object
# #' - concept_cd: the concept to insert
# #' - provider_id: the provider
# #' - modifier_cd: optionnal modifier for the concept
# #' Other observation fact columns can optionnaly be included,
# #' such as end_date, valtype_cd, tval_char, nval_num, valueflag_cd, units_cd, etc.
# #'
# #' The function creates and updates the corresponding patients and encounters,
# #' inserts the new observations, and finally rebuilds the indexes in the database.
# #'
# #' @param data A dataframe of observation facts
# #' @param project The project to which to add the patients and their data
# #' @param host The host to connect to
# #' @param admin The admin account for the PostgreSQL database
# #' @param pass The password for the admin account
# #' @export
# import_data <- function(data, project, host = "", admin = "", pass = "")
# {
# # Patients
# data %>%
# dplyr::select(patient_ide, birth_date, death_date, gender) %>%
# dplyr::distinct() %>%
# add_patients_demodata(project, host, admin, pass) ->
# patient_mapping

# # Encounters
# data %>%
# dplyr::select(patient_ide, encounter_ide, start_date, end_date) %>%
# dplyr::distinct() %>%
# add_encounters(project, patient_mapping, host, admin, pass) ->
# encounter_mapping

# # Observations
# data %>%
# dplyr::distinct() %>%
# add_observations(patient_mapping, encounter_mapping, host, admin, pass)

# # Rebuild indexes
# rebuild_indexes_demodata(host, admin, pass)
# }

import_patients_visits <- function(patients, project)
patients %>%
stats::setNames(c("patient_ide", "encounter_ide", "start_date", "end_date", "sex_cd", "birth_date", "death_date", "rum_start", "rum_end", "provider_id", "project")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(start_date = start_date %>% as.Date(format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),
end_date = end_date %>% as.Date(format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),
birth_date = birth_date %>% as.Date(format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),
death_date = death_date %>% as.Date(format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),
sex_cd = ifelse(sex_cd == "1", "M", "F")) %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
dplyr::mutate(patient_ide = ifelse(patient_ide %>% as.numeric > 2^32,
patient_ide %>% stringr::str_sub(2),
patient_ide)) ->

# Patients
data %>%
dplyr::select(patient_ide, birth_date, death_date, gender) %>%
patients %>%
dplyr::select(patient_ide, birth_date, death_date, sex_cd) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
add_patients_demodata(project, host, admin, pass) ->

# Encounters
data %>%
patients %>%
dplyr::select(patient_ide, encounter_ide, start_date, end_date) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
add_encounters(project, patient_mapping, host, admin, pass) ->
dplyr::mutate(inout = "I") %>%

# Observations
data %>%
# Observations : Age à l'hospitalisation
patients %>%
dplyr::select(patient_ide, encounter_ide, start_date, birth_date, provider_id) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
add_observations(patient_mapping, encounter_mapping, host, admin, pass)
dplyr::mutate(concept_cd = "HOS:age_hospit",
provider_id = stringr::str_c("STRUCT:", provider_id),
modifier_cd = "@",
instance_num = 1,
valtype_cd = "N",
tval_char = "E",
nval_num = as.numeric(start_date - birth_date)/365.25) %>%
dplyr::select(-birth_date) %>%

# Rebuild indexes
rebuild_indexes_demodata(host, admin, pass)
import_diagnostics <- function(diags, project)
# Observations : Diagnostics
diags %>%
stats::setNames(c("patient_ide", "encounter_ide", "start_date", "end_date", "provider_id", "concept_cd", "modifier_cd")) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
dplyr::mutate(concept_cd = stringr::str_c("CIM:", concept_cd),
provider_id = stringr::str_c("STRUCT:", provider_id),
modifier_cd = stringr::str_c("CIM:", modifier_cd),
instance_num = 1) %>%
dplyr::mutate(patient_ide = ifelse(patient_ide %>% as.numeric > 2^32,
patient_ide %>% stringr::str_sub(2),
patient_ide)) %>%

import_actes <- function(actes, project)
# Observations : Actes
actes %>%
stats::setNames(c("patient_ide", "encounter_ide", "provider_id", "concept_cd", "start_date")) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
dplyr::filter(! %>%
dplyr::mutate(concept_cd = stringr::str_c("CCAM:", concept_cd),
provider_id = stringr::str_c("STRUCT:", provider_id),
modifier_cd = "@",
instance_num = 1) %>%
dplyr::mutate(patient_ide = ifelse(patient_ide %>% as.numeric > 2^32,
patient_ide %>% stringr::str_sub(2),
patient_ide)) %>%
