title: "Cours 07 - Données temporelles et textuelles"
author: "Antoine Neuraz"
date: "22/11/2019"
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class: center, middle, title
# Visualisation de données textuelles et temporelles
### 2019-2020
## Dr. Antoine Neuraz
### AHU Informatique médicale
#### Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, Université de Paris
class: center, full
class: center, middle, inverse
# Visualisation de données textuelles
class: center
## Données textuelles ?
![:scale 90%](img/textual_data_levels.png)
class:center, middle
# Taille
class: center
## Word cloud
## Word cloud plus analytique
## Bubble cloud
[Bubble Cloud](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/09/06/us/politics/convention-word-counts.html)
class: center, middle
# Position
## Text arc by Bradford Paley
[version Interactive](https://vallandingham.me/textarc/)
## Stereotropes
![:scale 85%](img/stereotropes.png)
## Wordwanderer
class: center, middle
# Structure
## Concordance
[Quick concordance plot](https://vallandingham.me/concordance_plot/)
## Fingerprint
![:scale 85%](img/fingerprints.png)
[litterature fingerprints](https://kops.uni-konstanz.de/bitstream/handle/123456789/5492/Literature_Fingerprinting.pdf)
## Word tree
[Word tree](https://www.jasondavies.com/wordtree/?source=alice-in-wonderland.txt&prefix=alice%20to)
## Origins of species
class: center
## Dissertation browser
![:scale 70%](img/dissertation.png)
[Dissertation browser](https://www-nlp.stanford.edu/projects/dissertations/browser.html)
## Literary Organism
## Sentence drawing
[sentence drawings](https://vallandingham.me/sentence_drawings/#1984)
class: center, middle, inverse
# Visualisation de données temporelles
class: full, center
![:abs 100%, 0, 0](img/Night_Photography.jpg)
## Bien sur: le line chart
## ou encore : Minard
## Rose diagram (polar area)
#### Nightingale (1856)
## Heatmap
![:scale 80%](img/trulia.png)
class: center
## Gapminder
## divide and conquer
## Streamgraph
class: center
## Eventflow