You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

236 lines

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  4. <title>Cours 07 - Données temporelles et textuelles</title>
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  12. ---
  13. class: center, full
  14. ![](img/seismes.png)
  15. []()
  16. ---
  17. class: center, middle, inverse
  18. # Visualisation de données textuelles
  19. ---
  20. class: center
  21. ## Données textuelles ?
  22. ![:scale 90%](img/textual_data_levels.png)
  23. ---
  24. class:center, middle
  25. # Taille
  26. ---
  27. class: center
  28. ## Word cloud
  29. ![](img/wordcloud.png)
  30. ---
  31. ## Word cloud plus analytique
  32. ![](img/word_cloud_analytic.png)
  33. ---
  34. ## Bubble cloud
  35. ![](img/bubblecloud.png)
  36. [Bubble Cloud](
  37. ---
  38. class: center, middle
  39. # Position
  40. ---
  41. ## Text arc by Bradford Paley
  42. ![](img/textarc.png)
  43. [version Interactive](
  44. ---
  45. ## Stereotropes
  46. ![:scale 85%](img/stereotropes.png)
  47. [stereotropes](
  48. ---
  49. ## Wordwanderer
  50. ![](img/wordwanderer.png)
  51. []()
  52. ---
  53. class: center, middle
  54. # Structure
  55. ---
  56. ## Concordance
  57. ![](img/concordanceplot.png)
  58. [Quick concordance plot](
  59. ---
  60. ## Fingerprint
  61. ![:scale 85%](img/fingerprints.png)
  62. [litterature fingerprints](
  63. ---
  64. ## Word tree
  65. ![](img/word_tree.png)
  66. [Word tree](;prefix=alice%20to)
  67. ---
  68. ## Origins of species
  69. ![](img/origins_species.png)
  70. []()
  71. ---
  72. class: center
  73. ## Dissertation browser
  74. ![:scale 70%](img/dissertation.png)
  75. [Dissertation browser](
  76. ---
  77. ## Literary Organism
  78. ![](img/litterary.png)
  79. ---
  80. ## Sentence drawing
  81. ![](img/sentence_drawing.png)
  82. [sentence drawings](
  83. ---
  84. class: center, middle, inverse
  85. # Visualisation de données temporelles
  86. ---
  87. class: full, center
  88. ![:abs 100%, 0, 0](img/Night_Photography.jpg)
  89. ---
  90. ## Bien sur: le line chart
  91. ![](img/playfair.png)
  92. ---
  93. ## ou encore : Minard
  94. ![](img/minard.png)
  95. ---
  96. ## Rose diagram (polar area)
  97. ![](img/nightingale.png)
  98. #### Nightingale (1856)
  99. ---
  100. ## Heatmap
  101. ![:scale 80%](img/trulia.png)
  102. [interactive](
  103. ---
  104. class: center
  105. ## Gapminder
  106. &lt;iframe width="800" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;
  107. ---
  108. ## divide and conquer
  109. ![](img/walmart.png)
  110. ---
  111. ## Streamgraph
  112. ![](img/streamgraph.png)
  113. ---
  114. class: center
  115. ## Eventflow
  116. &lt;iframe width="800" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;
  117. [Eventlow](
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