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- class: center, middle, title
- # UE Visualisation
- ### 2020-2021
- ## Dr. Maxime Wack
- ### AHU Informatique médicale
- #### Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, </br> Université de Paris
- ---
- # Données tabulaires
- .center[Chargement des données avec `read_csv`]
- ```r
- read_csv("lab03-data/notes.csv") -> notes
- ```
- <div id="htmlwidget-f5059698d71e2c376fcf" style="width:100%;height:auto;" class="datatables html-widget"></div>
- <script type="application/json" data-for="htmlwidget-f5059698d71e2c376fcf">{"x":{"filter":"none","data":[["1/1/2019","1/15/2019","2/1/2019","2/15/2019","3/1/2019","3/15/2019","4/1/2019","4/15/2019","5/1/2019","5/15/2019"],[14,16,15,17,14,15,13,15,16,17],[10,11,11,10,15,13,12,12,13,11],[18,19,18,19,19,20,19,19,17,18],[9,10,12,11,14,13,14,15,14,15]],"container":"<table class=\"display\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th>Date<\/th>\n <th>Alice<\/th>\n <th>Bob<\/th>\n <th>Claire<\/th>\n <th>David<\/th>\n <\/tr>\n <\/thead>\n<\/table>","options":{"paging":false,"info":false,"searching":false,"columnDefs":[{"className":"dt-right","targets":[1,2,3,4]}],"order":[],"autoWidth":false,"orderClasses":false}},"evals":[],"jsHooks":[]}</script>
- ---
- # Pivot
- .center[Données *wide* → *long*]
- ```r
- pivot_longer(notes,
- Alice:David,
- names_to = "Prénom",
- values_to = "Note") -> notes_long
- ```
- <div id="htmlwidget-d3acf82e5da55982884c" style="width:100%;height:auto;" class="datatables html-widget"></div>
- <script type="application/json" data-for="htmlwidget-d3acf82e5da55982884c">{"x":{"filter":"none","data":[["1/1/2019","1/1/2019","1/1/2019","1/1/2019","1/15/2019","1/15/2019","1/15/2019","1/15/2019","2/1/2019","2/1/2019","2/1/2019","2/1/2019","2/15/2019","2/15/2019","2/15/2019","2/15/2019","3/1/2019","3/1/2019","3/1/2019","3/1/2019","3/15/2019","3/15/2019","3/15/2019","3/15/2019","4/1/2019","4/1/2019","4/1/2019","4/1/2019","4/15/2019","4/15/2019","4/15/2019","4/15/2019","5/1/2019","5/1/2019","5/1/2019","5/1/2019","5/15/2019","5/15/2019","5/15/2019","5/15/2019"],["Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David","Alice","Bob","Claire","David"],[14,10,18,9,16,11,19,10,15,11,18,12,17,10,19,11,14,15,19,14,15,13,20,13,13,12,19,14,15,12,19,15,16,13,17,14,17,11,18,15]],"container":"<table class=\"display\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th>Date<\/th>\n <th>Prénom<\/th>\n <th>Note<\/th>\n <\/tr>\n <\/thead>\n<\/table>","options":{"paging":false,"info":false,"searching":false,"columnDefs":[{"className":"dt-right","targets":2}],"order":[],"autoWidth":false,"orderClasses":false}},"evals":[],"jsHooks":[]}</script>
- ---
- # Pivot
- .center[Données *long* → *wide*]
- ```r
- pivot_wider(notes_long,
- names_from = Prénom,
- values_from = Note)
- ```
- <div id="htmlwidget-75b346f1165091af2cbb" style="width:100%;height:auto;" class="datatables html-widget"></div>
- <script type="application/json" data-for="htmlwidget-75b346f1165091af2cbb">{"x":{"filter":"none","data":[["1/1/2019","1/15/2019","2/1/2019","2/15/2019","3/1/2019","3/15/2019","4/1/2019","4/15/2019","5/1/2019","5/15/2019"],[14,16,15,17,14,15,13,15,16,17],[10,11,11,10,15,13,12,12,13,11],[18,19,18,19,19,20,19,19,17,18],[9,10,12,11,14,13,14,15,14,15]],"container":"<table class=\"display\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th>Date<\/th>\n <th>Alice<\/th>\n <th>Bob<\/th>\n <th>Claire<\/th>\n <th>David<\/th>\n <\/tr>\n <\/thead>\n<\/table>","options":{"paging":false,"info":false,"searching":false,"columnDefs":[{"className":"dt-right","targets":[1,2,3,4]}],"order":[],"autoWidth":false,"orderClasses":false}},"evals":[],"jsHooks":[]}</script>
- ---
- # Exercices
- Utiliser les fonctions de `pivot_*` pour exprimer le dataset `gapminder` de différentes manières.
- ### Représenter l'intégralité sous forme clé-valeur
- Chaque ligne ne doit porter qu'une valeur de `lifeExp`, `gdpPercap` ou `pop`, pour chaque pays et chaque année.
- ### Représenter un pays par ligne
- Une seule ligne par pays, toutes les années × indicateur doivent donner lieu à une nouvelle colonne
- ### Reformer gapminder à partir du précédent exercice
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