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Maxime Wack 2 months ago
1 changed files with 57 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +57

+ 57
- 1 View File

@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ New result files can be a *revision of* previous /<result>/ in the same /<sample

git ommix add diagnosis -p|--patient <patient> --use <result|diagnosis> [--revision_of <diagnosis>] [--invalidate <diagnosis>]

Diagonses live outside of samples and can be used to tie multiple results from diffferent samples into a clinically coherent history
Diagnoses live outside of samples and can be used to tie multiple results from different samples into a clinically coherent history
A diagnosis *derives from* (use) a <result> or a previous <diagnosis>
--use can be specified multiple times to *derive* the new diagnosis *from* multiple /<result>/ or /<diagnosis>/
A new diagnosis can be a *revision of* a previous /<diagnosis>/ and can also *invalidate* previous /<diagnosis>/
@@ -116,3 +116,59 @@ List all the sample|data|result|diagnosis objects in <patient>
Multiple [ref] can be provided
IDs matching multiple objects expand to multiple [ref]

** Get

(nearly) All the get commands accept or even require a [ref]
As previously, [ref] constrains the result to the context of [ref]
[ref] can be expressed as a commit hash or an object name (type:id or id)
Multiple [ref] can be provided
IDs matching multiple objects expand to multiple [ref]

*** PROV

git ommix get prov -p|--patient <patient> [ref]

Output the RDF graph as turtle triplets

*** Graph

git ommix get graph -p|--patient <patient> [ref]

Output a graphical representation of the RDF graph

*** Timeline

git ommix get timeline -p|--patient <patient> [ref]

Output a graphical representation of clinical history of the patient, omitting samples, data, and results

*** Last

git ommix get last -p|--patient <patient> <ref>

Get the up to date version of the pointed ref, as well as the most recent diagnosis it participates to

*** Object

git ommix get object -p|--patient <patient> <ref>

Checkout the patients' repo at the given object

*** File

git ommix get file -p|--patient <patient> [ref]

List the files added by the given object

*** Log

git ommix get log -p|--patient <patient> [ref]

Print the git log of the patients' repo


git ommix get sparql -p|--patient <patient> "SPARQL query"

Output the result of the sparql query as turtle triplets
