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Make stats_auto less opinionated

- Use N and % for factors
- Use N, min, Q1, med, mean, Q3, max, sd, IQR for numerics
- deprecate other stats_* functions
Maxime Wack 2 years ago
3 changed files with 62 additions and 72 deletions
  1. +2
  2. +35
  3. +25

+ 2
- 1
R/convenience_functions.R View File

@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ percent <- function(x) {
#' @return The IQR
#' @export
IQR <- function(x) {
base::diff(stats::quantile(x, c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm = T))
if (!is.factor(x))
base::diff(stats::quantile(x, c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm = T))

+ 35
- 0
R/deprecated.R View File

@@ -554,3 +554,38 @@ flatten_desctable <- function(desctable) {
Reduce(f = cbind)

#' Define a list of default statistics
#' @param data A dataframe
#' @return A list of statistical functions
#' @export
#' @keywords deprecated
stats_default <- function(data) {
list("N" = length,
"%" = percent,
"Mean" = ~if (is.normal(.)) mean(.),
"sd" = ~if (is.normal(.)) sd(.),
"Med" = stats::median,
"IQR" = ~if (!is.factor(.)) IQR(.))

#' @rdname stats_default
#' @export
stats_normal <- function(data) {
list("N" = length,
"%" = percent,
"Mean" = mean,
"sd" = stats::sd)

#' @rdname stats_default
#' @export
stats_nonnormal <- function(data) {
list("N" = length,
"%" = percent,
"Median" = stats::median,
"IQR" = ~if (!is.factor(.)) IQR(.))

+ 25
- 71
R/stats.R View File

@@ -50,88 +50,42 @@ statify <- function(x, f) {

#' Functions to create a list of statistics to use in desctable
#' Function to create a list of statistics to use in desctable
#' These functions take a dataframe as argument and return a list of statistcs in the form accepted by desctable.
#' This function takes a dataframe as argument and returns a list of statistcs in the form accepted by desctable.
#' Already defined are
#' \enumerate{
#' \item stats_default with length, \%, mean, sd, med and IQR
#' \item stats_normal with length, \%, mean and sd
#' \item stats_nonnormal with length, %, median and IQR
#' \item stats_auto, which picks stats depending of the data
#' }
#' You can define your own automatic functions, as long as they take a dataframe as argument and return a list of functions or formulas defining conditions to use a stat function.
#' You can define your own automatic function, as long as it takes a dataframe as argument and returns a list of functions, or formulas defining conditions to use a stat function.
#' @param data The dataframe to apply the statistic to
#' @return A list of statistics to use, potentially assessed from the dataframe
#' @export
stats_default <- function(data) {
list("N" = length,
"%" = percent,
"Mean" = ~if (is.normal(.)) mean(.),
"sd" = ~if (is.normal(.)) sd(.),
"Med" = stats::median,
"IQR" = ~if (!is.factor(.)) IQR(.))

#' @rdname stats_default
#' @export
stats_normal <- function(data) {
list("N" = length,
"%" = percent,
"Mean" = mean,
"sd" = stats::sd)

#' @rdname stats_default
#' @export
stats_nonnormal <- function(data) {
list("N" = length,
"%" = percent,
"Median" = stats::median,
"IQR" = ~if (!is.factor(.)) IQR(.))

#' @rdname stats_default
#' @return A list of statistics to use, assessed from the content of the dataframe
#' @export
stats_auto <- function(data) {
data %>%
Filter(f = is.numeric) %>%
lapply(is.normal) %>%
unlist() -> shapiro

if (length(shapiro) == 0) {
normal <- F
nonnormal <- F
} else {
normal <- any(shapiro)
nonnormal <- any(!shapiro)
lapply(is.numeric) %>%
unlist() %>%
any -> numeric

data %>%
lapply(is.factor) %>%
unlist() %>%
any() -> fact

if (fact & normal & !nonnormal) stats_normal(data)
else if (fact & !normal & nonnormal) stats_nonnormal(data)
else if (fact & !normal & !nonnormal) list("N" = length,
"%" = percent)
else if (!fact & normal & nonnormal) list("N" = length,
"Mean" = ~if (is.normal(.)) mean(.),
"sd" = ~if (is.normal(.)) sd(.),
"Med" = stats::median,
"IQR" = ~if (!is.factor(.)) IQR(.))
else if (!fact & normal & !nonnormal) list("N" = length,
"Mean" = mean,
"sd" = stats::sd)
else if (!fact & !normal & nonnormal) list("N" = length,
"Med" = stats::median,
"IQR" = IQR)
else stats_default(data)
stats <- list("Min" = min,
"Q1" = ~quantile(., .25),
"Med" = stats::median,
"Mean" = mean,
"Q3" = ~quantile(., .75),
"Max" = max,
"sd" = stats::sd,
"IQR" = IQR)

if (fact & numeric)
c(list("N" = length,
"%" = percent),
else if (fact & !numeric)
list("N" = length,
"%" = percent)
else if (!fact & numeric)
