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Update vignette for rlang::as_function

Maxime Wack 2 years ago
2 changed files with 17 additions and 10 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +16

+ 1
- 2
README.Rmd View File

@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ You can specify the statistical test functions yourself with the *tests* argumen
* a function for automatic selection of appropriate statistical test functions, depending on the data
* a named list of statistical test functions

Please note that the statistical test functions **need** to be given as *formulas* so as to capture the name of the test to display in the table.
Please note that the statistical test functions **must** be given as *formulas* so as to capture the name of the test to display in the table.
**purrr** style formulas are also accepted, as with the statistical functions.
This also allows to specify optional arguments of such functions, and go around non-standard test functions (see **Statistical test functions**).

@@ -355,7 +355,6 @@ iris %>%
desctable(tests = list(.auto = tests_auto,
Petal.Width = ~oneway.test(., var.equal = T)))


As with statistical functions, **any** statistical test function defined in R can be used.

+ 16
- 8
vignettes/desctable.Rmd View File

@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ You can specify the statistical functions yourself with the *stats* argument. Th
The functions/formulas leverage the **tidyverse** way of working with anonymous functions, i.e.:

If a *function*, is is used as is.
If a *formula*, e.g. '~ .x + 1', it is converted to a function. There are three ways to refer to the arguments:
If a *formula*, e.g. '~ .x + 1' or `~ . + 1`, it is converted to a function. There are three ways to refer to the arguments:

* For a single argument function, use '.'
* For a two argument function, use '.x' and '.y'
* For more arguments, use '..1', '..2', '..3' etc

This syntax allows you to create very compact anonymous functions.
This syntax allows you to create very compact anonymous functions, and is the same as in the `map` family of functions from **purrr**.

### Automatic function

@@ -273,7 +273,8 @@ You can specify the statistical test functions yourself with the *tests* argumen
* a function for automatic selection of appropriate statistical test functions, depending on the data
* a named list of statistical test functions

Please note that the statistical test functions **need** to be given as *formulas* (to capture the name of the test to display in the table)
Please note that the statistical test functions **must** be given as *formulas* so as to capture the name of the test to display in the table.
**purrr** style formulas are also actepted, as with the statistical functions.
This also allows to specify optional arguments of such functions, and go around non-standard test functions (see **Statistical test functions**).

### Automatic function
@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ This is done using list items named as the variable and containing a single-term
iris %>%
group_by(Petal.Length > 5) %>%
desctable(tests = list(.auto = tests_auto,
Species = ~chisq.test(.))) %>%
Species = ~chisq.test)) %>%
@@ -327,13 +328,20 @@ iris %>%
mtcars %>%
dplyr::mutate(am = factor(am, labels = c("Automatic", "Manual"))) %>%
group_by(am) %>%
desctable(tests = list(.default = ~wilcox.test(.),
mpg = ~t.test(.))) %>%
desctable(tests = list(.default = ~wilcox.test,
mpg = ~t.test)) %>%

You might wonder why the formula expression. That is needed to capture the test name, and to provide it in the resulting table.
Here's an example of **purrr** style function:

iris %>%
group_by(Petal.Length > 5) %>%
desctable(tests = list(.auto = tests_auto,
Petal.Width = ~oneway.test(., var.equal = T)))

As with statistical functions, **any** statistical test function defined in R can be used.
