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  1. % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
  2. % Please edit documentation in R/output.R
  3. \name{desc_output}
  4. \alias{desc_output}
  5. \title{desc_output}
  6. \usage{
  7. desc_output(desctable, target = c("df", "pander", "DT"), digits = 2, ...)
  8. }
  9. \arguments{
  10. \item{desctable}{The desctable to output}
  11. \item{target}{The desired target. One of "df", "pander", or "DT".}
  12. \item{digits}{The number of digits to display. The p values will be simplified under 1E-digits}
  13. \item{...}{Other arguments to pass to \code{data.frame}, \code{pander::pander}, or \code{DT::datatable}}
  14. }
  15. \value{
  16. The output object (or corresponding side effect)
  17. }
  18. \description{
  19. Output a desctable to the desired target format
  20. }
  21. \details{
  22. Output a simple or grouped desctable to a different formats.
  23. Currently available formats are\itemize{
  24. \item data.frame ("df")
  25. \item pander ("pander")
  26. \item datatable ("DT")
  27. }
  28. All numerical values will be rounded to the digits argument.
  29. If statistical tests are presents, p values below 1E-digits will be replaced with "< 1E-digits"
  30. (eg. "< 0.01" for values below 0.01 when digits = 2)
  31. }
  32. \seealso{
  33. \code{\link[DT]{datatable}}
  34. \code{\link[pander]{pander}}
  35. Other desc_table core functions:
  36. \code{\link{desc_table}()},
  37. \code{\link{desc_tests}()}
  38. }
  39. \concept{desc_table core functions}