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45 lines

  1. % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
  2. % Please edit documentation in R/deprecated.R
  3. \name{pander.desctable}
  4. \alias{pander.desctable}
  5. \title{Pander method for desctable}
  6. \usage{
  7. \method{pander}{desctable}(
  8. x = NULL,
  9. digits = 2,
  10. justify = "left",
  11. missing = "",
  12. keep.line.breaks = T,
  13. split.tables = Inf,
  14. emphasize.rownames = F,
  15. ...
  16. )
  17. }
  18. \arguments{
  19. \item{x}{A desctable}
  20. \item{digits}{passed to \code{format}. Can be a vector specifying values for each column (has to be the same length as number of columns).}
  21. \item{justify}{defines alignment in cells passed to \code{format}. Can be \code{left}, \code{right} or \code{centre}, which latter can be also spelled as \code{center}. Defaults to \code{centre}. Can be abbreviated to a string consisting of the letters \code{l}, \code{c} and \code{r} (e.g. 'lcr' instead of c('left', 'centre', 'right').}
  22. \item{missing}{string to replace missing values}
  23. \item{keep.line.breaks}{(default: \code{FALSE}) if to keep or remove line breaks from cells in a table}
  24. \item{split.tables}{where to split wide tables to separate tables. The default value (\code{80}) suggests the conventional number of characters used in a line, feel free to change (e.g. to \code{Inf} to disable this feature) if you are not using a VT100 terminal any more :)}
  25. \item{emphasize.rownames}{boolean (default: \code{TRUE}) if row names should be highlighted}
  26. \item{...}{unsupported extra arguments directly placed into \code{/dev/null}}
  27. }
  28. \description{
  29. Pander method to output a desctable
  30. }
  31. \details{
  32. Uses \code{pandoc.table}, with some default parameters (\code{digits = 2}, \code{justify = "left"}, \code{missing = ""}, \code{keep.line.breaks = T}, \code{split.tables = Inf}, and \code{emphasize.rownames = F}), that you can override if needed.
  33. }
  34. \seealso{
  35. \code{\link{pandoc.table}}
  36. }
  37. \keyword{deprecated}