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  1. % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
  2. % Please edit documentation in R/deprecated.R, R/imports.R
  3. \docType{import}
  4. \name{reexports}
  5. \alias{reexports}
  6. \alias{pander}
  7. \alias{\%>\%}
  8. \alias{group_by}
  9. \alias{!!!}
  10. \title{Objects exported from other packages}
  11. \keyword{internal}
  12. \description{
  13. These objects are imported from other packages. Follow the links
  14. below to see their documentation.
  15. \describe{
  16. \item{dplyr}{\code{\link[dplyr:reexports]{\%>\%}}, \code{\link[dplyr]{group_by}}}
  17. \item{pander}{\code{\link[pander]{pander}}}
  18. \item{rlang}{\code{\link[rlang:splice-operator]{!!!}}}
  19. }}