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  1. % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
  2. % Please edit documentation in R/build.R
  3. \name{varColumn}
  4. \alias{varColumn}
  5. \title{Generate the variable column to display as row names}
  6. \usage{
  7. varColumn(data, labels = NULL)
  8. }
  9. \arguments{
  10. \item{data}{The dataframe to get the names from}
  11. \item{labels}{The optional named character vector containing the keypairs var = "Label"}
  12. }
  13. \value{
  14. A dataframe with one variable named "Variables", a character vector of variable names/labels and levels
  15. }
  16. \description{
  17. Generates the variable column.
  18. Replaces the variable names by their label if given in the named character vector labels, and inserts levels for factors.
  19. }
  20. \details{
  21. labels is an option named character vector used to make the table prettier.
  22. If given, the variable names for which there is a label will be replaced by their corresponding label.
  23. Not all variables need to have a label, and labels for non-existing variables are ignored.
  24. }
  25. \keyword{internal}