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30 lines

  1. # Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
  2. S3method(,desctable)
  3. S3method(datatable,default)
  4. S3method(datatable,desctable)
  5. S3method(desctable,default)
  6. S3method(desctable,grouped_df)
  7. S3method(print,desctable)
  8. S3method(statify,default)
  9. S3method(statify,formula)
  10. export("%>%")
  11. export(ANOVA)
  12. export(IQR)
  13. export(chisq.test)
  14. export(datatable)
  15. export(desctable)
  16. export(fisher.test)
  17. export(group_by)
  18. export(is.normal)
  19. export(pander.desctable)
  20. export(percent)
  21. export(statify)
  22. export(stats_auto)
  23. export(stats_default)
  24. export(stats_nonnormal)
  25. export(stats_normal)
  26. export(tests_auto)
  27. importFrom(dplyr,"%>%")
  28. importFrom(dplyr,group_by)