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  1. Version 0.1.8
  2. - Code cleanup:
  3. - use RStudio style guidelines for all code and docs
  4. - use fewer tidyverse functions internally, drop `purrr` dependancy
  5. Version 0.1.7
  6. - Vignette and README with RStudio style guidelines
  7. Version 0.1.6
  8. - Correct way to re-export `group_by` and `%>%`
  9. Version 0.1.4-5
  10. - Documentation fix for group_by import (dplyr 0.8)
  11. - Correct description for Dates
  12. Version 0.1.3
  13. - Added travis CI to repo
  14. - Added CRAN badge to repo
  15. - Corrected a typo in the README and vignette
  16. - Bugfix for when a statistical function returns a warning AND an error
  17. - Added NEWS file for future releases
  18. - Modified default and auto statistics for less automation
  19. - Added dummy column name for the variable names column, and make dplyr happy
  20. - Enabled character and mixed columns
  21. - Added CRAN mirror downloads badge to repo
  22. Version 0.1.2
  23. - Added a fix for a change in evaluation in rlang
  24. Version 0.1.1
  25. - Added a fix for changing arguments in fisher.test in upstream
  26. Version 0.1.0
  27. Initial release.