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Add fira-code, firaEmacs (,

properly enable fonts/alpha in server mode
Maxime Wack il y a 4 ans
3 fichiers modifiés avec 424 ajouts et 7 suppressions
  1. +13
  2. +250
  3. +161

+ 13
- 7
.emacs Voir le fichier

@@ -146,12 +146,16 @@
;; Don't use tabs in indentation
indent-tabs-mode nil)

;; Add for emacs server
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "FiraEmacs 10"))
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha . (85 . 95)))

;; Set transparency
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(85 . 90))
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(85 . 95))

;; Font
(unless (equal (system-name) "hegp")
(set-frame-font "Fira Code 10" nil t))
(set-frame-font "FiraEmacs 10" nil t))

;; Replace yes/no with y/n
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
@@ -857,6 +861,12 @@
(helpful-heading ((t (:height 1.9)))))

;;;;; Fira Code

(use-package fira-code
:load-path "~/.emacs.d/Fira-code"
:hook (prog-mode . fira-code-mode))

;;;;; Rainbow mode

(use-package rainbow-mode
@@ -1050,11 +1060,7 @@
(progn (goto-char (point-max))
(evil-append 1))))

:hook (ess-mode . (lambda ()
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist '(("%>%" . "|>")))
(setq-local prettify-symbols-unprettify-at-point 'right-edge)

;;;;; Poly-R

+ 250
- 0
.emacs.d/Fira-code/fira-code-data.el Voir le fichier

@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
(defconst fira-code--data
'(["space.frac" " " "\xe100"] ; 
["exclam_exclam.liga" "!!" "\xe101"] ; 
["exclam_exclam_period.liga" "!!." "\xe102"] ; 
["exclam_equal.liga" "!=" "\xe103"] ; 
["exclam_equal_equal.liga" "!==" "\xe104"] ; 
["numbersign_exclam.liga" "#!" "\xe105"] ; 
["numbersign_numbersign.liga" "##" "\xe106"] ; 
["numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga" "###" "\xe107"] ; 
["numbersign_numbersign_numbersign_numbersign.liga" "####" "\xe108"] ; 
["numbersign_parenleft.liga" "#(" "\xe109"] ; 
["numbersign_colon.liga" "#:" "\xe10a"] ; 
["numbersign_colon.liga_rem" "#:" "\xe10b"] ; 
["numbersign_equal.liga" "#=" "\xe10c"] ; 
["numbersign_question.liga" "#?" "\xe10d"] ; 
["numbersign_bracketleft.liga" "#[" "\xe10e"] ; 
["numbersign_underscore.liga" "#_" "\xe10f"] ; 
["numbersign_underscore_parenleft.liga" "#_(" "\xe110"] ; 
["numbersign_braceleft.liga" "#{" "\xe111"] ; 
["dollar.ss05" "$" "\xe112"] ; 
["dollar_greater.liga" "$>" "\xe113"] ; 
["percent_percent.liga" "%%" "\xe114"] ; 
["ampersand.ss03" "&" "\xe115"] ; 
["ampersand_ampersand.liga" "&&" "\xe116"] ; 
["" "(" "\xe117"] ; 
["parenleft.dnom" "(" "\xe118"] ; 
["parenleft.numr" "(" "\xe119"] ; 
["" ")" "\xe11a"] ; 
["parenright.dnom" ")" "\xe11b"] ; 
["parenright.numr" ")" "\xe11c"] ; 
["" "*" "\xe11d"] ; 
["asterisk_asterisk.liga" "**" "\xe11e"] ; 
["asterisk_asterisk_asterisk.liga" "***" "\xe11f"] ; 
["asterisk_slash.liga" "*/" "\xe120"] ; 
["asterisk_greater.liga" "*>" "\xe121"] ; 
["plus.dnom" "+" "\xe122"] ; 
["" "+" "\xe123"] ; 
["plus.numr" "+" "\xe124"] ; 
["plus_plus.liga" "++" "\xe125"] ; 
["plus_plus_plus.liga" "+++" "\xe126"] ; 
["plus_greater.liga" "+>" "\xe127"] ; 
["" "-" "\xe128"] ; 
["" "-" "\xe129"] ; 
["hyphen_hyphen.liga" "--" "\xe12a"] ; 
["hyphen_hyphen_hyphen.liga" "---" "\xe12b"] ; 
["hyphen_hyphen_greater.liga" "-->" "\xe12c"] ; 
["hyphen_less.liga" "-<" "\xe12d"] ; 
["hyphen_less_less.liga" "-<<" "\xe12e"] ; 
["hyphen_greater.liga" "->" "\xe12f"] ; 
["hyphen_greater_greater.liga" "->>" "\xe130"] ; 
["hyphen_bar.liga" "-|" "\xe131"] ; 
["hyphen_asciitilde.liga" "-~" "\xe132"] ; 
["period_hyphen.liga" ".-" "\xe133"] ; 
["period_period.liga" ".." "\xe134"] ; 
["period_period_period.liga" "..." "\xe135"] ; 
["period_period_less.liga" "..<" "\xe136"] ; 
["period_equal.liga" ".=" "\xe137"] ; 
["period_question.liga" ".?" "\xe138"] ; 
["slash_asterisk.liga" "/*" "\xe139"] ; 
["slash_slash.liga" "//" "\xe13a"] ; 
["slash_slash_slash.liga" "///" "\xe13b"] ; 
["slash_equal.liga" "/=" "\xe13c"] ; 
["slash_equal_equal.liga" "/==" "\xe13d"] ; 
["slash_greater.liga" "/>" "\xe13e"] ; 
["slash_backslash.liga" "/\\" "\xe13f"] ; 
["zero.dnom" "0" "\xe140"] ; 
["zero.numr" "0" "\xe141"] ; 
["zero.tosf" "0" "\xe142"] ; 
["" "0" "\xe143"] ; 
["" "0" "\xe144"] ; 
["" "0" "\xe145"] ; 
["one.dnom" "1" "\xe146"] ; 
["one.numr" "1" "\xe147"] ; 
["one.tosf" "1" "\xe148"] ; 
["two.dnom" "2" "\xe149"] ; 
["two.numr" "2" "\xe14a"] ; 
["two.tosf" "2" "\xe14b"] ; 
["three.dnom" "3" "\xe14c"] ; 
["three.numr" "3" "\xe14d"] ; 
["three.tosf" "3" "\xe14e"] ; 
["four.dnom" "4" "\xe14f"] ; 
["four.numr" "4" "\xe150"] ; 
["four.tosf" "4" "\xe151"] ; 
["five.dnom" "5" "\xe152"] ; 
["five.numr" "5" "\xe153"] ; 
["five.tosf" "5" "\xe154"] ; 
["six.dnom" "6" "\xe155"] ; 
["six.numr" "6" "\xe156"] ; 
["six.tosf" "6" "\xe157"] ; 
["seven.dnom" "7" "\xe158"] ; 
["seven.numr" "7" "\xe159"] ; 
["seven.tosf" "7" "\xe15a"] ; 
["eight.dnom" "8" "\xe15b"] ; 
["eight.numr" "8" "\xe15c"] ; 
["eight.tosf" "8" "\xe15d"] ; 
["nine.dnom" "9" "\xe15e"] ; 
["nine.numr" "9" "\xe15f"] ; 
["nine.tosf" "9" "\xe160"] ; 
["colon.uc" ":" "\xe161"] ; 
["colon_colon.liga" "::" "\xe162"] ; 
["colon_colon_colon.liga" ":::" "\xe163"] ; 
["colon_colon_equal.liga" "::=" "\xe164"] ; 
["colon_less.liga" ":<" "\xe165"] ; 
["colon_equal.liga" ":=" "\xe166"] ; 
["colon_greater.liga" ":>" "\xe167"] ; 
["semicolon_semicolon.liga" ";;" "\xe168"] ; 
["less_exclam_hyphen_hyphen.liga" "<!--" "\xe169"] ; 
["less_dollar.liga" "<$" "\xe16a"] ; 
["less_dollar_greater.liga" "<$>" "\xe16b"] ; 
["less_asterisk.liga" "<*" "\xe16c"] ; 
["less_asterisk_greater.liga" "<*>" "\xe16d"] ; 
["less_plus.liga" "<+" "\xe16e"] ; 
["less_plus_greater.liga" "<+>" "\xe16f"] ; 
["less_hyphen.liga" "<-" "\xe170"] ; 
["less_hyphen_hyphen.liga" "<--" "\xe171"] ; 
["less_hyphen_less.liga" "<-<" "\xe172"] ; 
["less_hyphen_greater.liga" "<->" "\xe173"] ; 
["less_hyphen_bar.liga" "<-|" "\xe174"] ; 
["less_slash.liga" "</" "\xe175"] ; 
["less_slash_greater.liga" "</>" "\xe176"] ; 
["less_colon.liga" "<:" "\xe177"] ; 
["less_less.liga" "<<" "\xe178"] ; 
["less_less_hyphen.liga" "<<-" "\xe179"] ; 
["less_less_less.liga" "<<<" "\xe17a"] ; 
["less_less_equal.liga" "<<=" "\xe17b"] ; 
["less_equal.liga" "<=" "\xe17c"] ; 
["less_equal.ss02" "<=" "\xe17d"] ; 
["less_equal_less.liga" "<=<" "\xe17e"] ; 
["less_equal_equal.liga" "<==" "\xe17f"] ; 
["less_equal_equal_greater.liga" "<==>" "\xe180"] ; 
["less_equal_greater.liga" "<=>" "\xe181"] ; 
["less_equal_bar.liga" "<=|" "\xe182"] ; 
["less_greater.liga" "<>" "\xe183"] ; 
["less_bar.liga" "<|" "\xe184"] ; 
["less_bar_greater.liga" "<|>" "\xe185"] ; 
["less_bar_bar.liga" "<||" "\xe186"] ; 
["less_bar_bar_bar.liga" "<|||" "\xe187"] ; 
["less_asciitilde.liga" "<~" "\xe188"] ; 
["less_asciitilde_greater.liga" "<~>" "\xe189"] ; 
["less_asciitilde_asciitilde.liga" "<~~" "\xe18a"] ; 
["equal.dnom" "=" "\xe18b"] ; 
["equal.numr" "=" "\xe18c"] ; 
["equal_exclam_equal.liga" "=!=" "\xe18d"] ; 
["equal_slash_equal.liga" "=/=" "\xe18e"] ; 
["equal_colon_equal.liga" "=:=" "\xe18f"] ; 
["equal_less_less.liga" "=<<" "\xe190"] ; 
["equal_equal.liga" "==" "\xe191"] ; 
["equal_equal_equal.liga" "===" "\xe192"] ; 
["equal_equal_greater.liga" "==>" "\xe193"] ; 
["equal_greater.liga" "=>" "\xe194"] ; 
["equal_greater_greater.liga" "=>>" "\xe195"] ; 
["greater_hyphen.liga" ">-" "\xe196"] ; 
["greater_hyphen_greater.liga" ">->" "\xe197"] ; 
["greater_colon.liga" ">:" "\xe198"] ; 
["greater_equal.liga" ">=" "\xe199"] ; 
["greater_equal.ss02" ">=" "\xe19a"] ; 
["greater_equal_greater.liga" ">=>" "\xe19b"] ; 
["greater_greater.liga" ">>" "\xe19c"] ; 
["greater_greater_hyphen.liga" ">>-" "\xe19d"] ; 
["greater_greater_equal.liga" ">>=" "\xe19e"] ; 
["greater_greater_greater.liga" ">>>" "\xe19f"] ; 
["question_period.liga" "?." "\xe1a0"] ; 
["question_colon.liga" "?:" "\xe1a1"] ; 
["question_equal.liga" "?=" "\xe1a2"] ; 
["question_question.liga" "??" "\xe1a3"] ; 
["at.ss06" "@" "\xe1a4"] ; 
["F_l.liga" "Fl" "\xe1a5"] ; 
["T_l.liga" "Tl" "\xe1a6"] ; 
["" "[" "\xe1a7"] ; 
["bracketleft_bar.liga" "[|" "\xe1a8"] ; 
["backslash.ss08" "\\" "\xe1a9"] ; 
["backslash.thick.ss08" "\\" "\xe1aa"] ; 
["backslash_slash.liga" "\\/" "\xe1ab"] ; 
["" "]" "\xe1ac"] ; 
["bracketright_numbersign.liga" "]#" "\xe1ad"] ; 
["asciicircum_equal.liga" "^=" "\xe1ae"] ; 
["underscore_underscore.liga" "__" "\xe1af"] ; 
["underscore_bar_underscore.liga" "_|_" "\xe1b0"] ; 
["" "`" "\xe1b1"] ; 
["f_l.liga" "fl" "\xe1b2"] ; 
["i.loclTRK" "i" "\xe1b3"] ; 
["i.salt_low" "i" "\xe1b4"] ; 
["j.salt_low" "j" "\xe1b5"] ; 
["r.ss01" "r" "\xe1b6"] ; 
["w_w_w.liga" "www" "\xe1b7"] ; 
["x.multiply" "x" "\xe1b8"] ; 
["" "{" "\xe1b9"] ; 
["braceleft_bar.liga" "{|" "\xe1ba"] ; 
["bar_hyphen.liga" "|-" "\xe1bb"] ; 
["bar_hyphen_greater.liga" "|->" "\xe1bc"] ; 
["bar_equal.liga" "|=" "\xe1bd"] ; 
["bar_equal_greater.liga" "|=>" "\xe1be"] ; 
["bar_greater.liga" "%>%" "\xe1bf"] ; 
["bar_bracketright.liga" "|]" "\xe1c0"] ; 
["bar_bar.liga" "||" "\xe1c1"] ; 
["bar_bar_hyphen.liga" "||-" "\xe1c2"] ; 
["bar_bar_equal.liga" "||=" "\xe1c3"] ; 
["bar_bar_greater.liga" "||>" "\xe1c4"] ; 
["bar_bar_bar_greater.liga" "|||>" "\xe1c5"] ; 
["bar_braceright.liga" "|}" "\xe1c6"] ; 
["" "}" "\xe1c7"] ; 
["asciitilde_hyphen.liga" "~-" "\xe1c8"] ; 
["asciitilde_equal.liga" "~=" "\xe1c9"] ; 
["asciitilde_greater.liga" "~>" "\xe1ca"] ; 
["asciitilde_at.liga" "~@" "\xe1cb"] ; 
["asciitilde_asciitilde.liga" "~~" "\xe1cc"] ; 
["asciitilde_asciitilde_greater.liga" "~~>" "\xe1cd"] ; 
["" "¡" "\xe1ce"] ; 
["" "¨" "\xe1cf"] ; 
["" "«" "\xe1d0"] ; 
["" "­" "\xe1d1"] ; 
["" "¯" "\xe1d2"] ; 
["" "´" "\xe1d3"] ; 
["" "´" "\xe1d4"] ; 
["acute.loclPLK" "´" "\xe1d5"] ; 
["" "¸" "\xe1d6"] ; 
["" "»" "\xe1d7"] ; 
["" "¿" "\xe1d8"] ; 
["Oacute.loclPLK" "Ó" "\xe1d9"] ; 
["oacute.loclPLK" "ó" "\xe1da"] ; 
["Cacute.loclPLK" "Ć" "\xe1db"] ; 
["cacute.loclPLK" "ć" "\xe1dc"] ; 
["Nacute.loclPLK" "Ń" "\xe1dd"] ; 
["nacute.loclPLK" "ń" "\xe1de"] ; 
["Sacute.loclPLK" "Ś" "\xe1df"] ; 
["sacute.loclPLK" "ś" "\xe1e0"] ; 
["Zacute.loclPLK" "Ź" "\xe1e1"] ; 
["zacute.loclPLK" "ź" "\xe1e2"] ; 
["" "ˆ" "\xe1e3"] ; 
["caron.alt" "ˇ" "\xe1e4"] ; 
["" "ˇ" "\xe1e5"] ; 
["" "˘" "\xe1e6"] ; 
["" "˙" "\xe1e7"] ; 
["" "˚" "\xe1e8"] ; 
["" "˜" "\xe1e9"] ; 
["" "˝" "\xe1ea"] ; 
["" "̦" "\xe1eb"] ; 
["" "΄" "\xe1ec"] ; 
["" "`" "\xe1ed"] ; 
["" "´" "\xe1ee"] ; 
["" " " "\xe1ef"] ; 
["" "–" "\xe1f0"] ; 
["" "—" "\xe1f1"] ; 
["" "‹" "\xe1f2"] ; 
["" "›" "\xe1f3"] ; 
["minus.dnom" "−" "\xe1f4"] ; 
["minus.numr" "−" "\xe1f5"] ; 
["" "∞" "\xe1f6"] ; 

+ 161
- 0
.emacs.d/Fira-code/fira-code.el Voir le fichier

@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
;;; fira-code.el --- Summary -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Emacs mode for displaying Fira Code ligatures using modified
;;; version of Fira Code called Fira Emacs.
;;; Originally derived from code posted by Emmanuel Touzery
;;; at <>.
;;; Code:

(require 'cl))
(require 'dash)

(load "fira-code-data")

(defconst fira-code--word-ligatures
(-lambda ([glyph input-string])
(and (string-match-p "\\.liga$" glyph)
(string-match-p "^[[:alpha:]]+$" input-string)
"List of ligatures that should be recognized when the occur
within a word.")

(defvar fira-code-enable-substitution-predicate
"Predicate to decide whether to enable a substitution from
`fira-code--data'. The arguments are the name of the glyph and
the characters to be replaced.

This predicate is evaluated once for each possible substitution
whenever `fira-code-mode' is activated. This predicate is
generally less useful than `fira-code-compose-predicate', but it
is needed in situations where Fira Code provides multiple glyphs
that can be subsituted for a particular input sequence, and it
can be used to optimize screen refreshes by excluding
substitutions that are never desired in any context.

If this function returns a string, that string will be replaced
instead of the default string takenf rom `fira-code--data' This
could be used, for example, to replace \"*\" rather than \"x\"
with the x.multiply glyph.")

(defvar fira-code-compose-predicate
"Predicate to decide whether a particular sequence of
characters should be replaced with a prettier alternative. The
arguments are the start and end positions of the characters to be
replaced, plus a string containing the characters themselves.

This predicate is evaluated before each string of characters is
replaced with a glyph while `fira-code-mode' is active. See also

(defun fira-code--default-enable-substitution-predicate
(name input-string)
(let ((default-enabled
;; Enable most ligatures.
(when (string-match-p ".*\\.liga$" name)
(not (member name '("less_equal.liga"

;; Turn on certain alternative glyphs.
(member name '("at.ss06"
;; Haskell-specific settings:
((derived-mode-p 'haskell-mode)
(cl-case input-string
("$" t) ; use alterantive $
("/=" "!=") ; "not equal" is /=
("!=" nil) ; != is not special
(t default-enabled)))
(t default-enabled))))

(defun fira-code--default-compose-predicate
(start end input-string)
(condition-case nil
;; Turn off composition in strings.
(not (nth 3 (syntax-ppss)))

;; Prevent portions of words from being transformed. This can
;; happen with, for example, the default transformations in
;; python-mode, which replace "or" with "∨". Without this
;; check, "for" would be rendered as "f∨". As a special case,
;; input strings in fira-code--word-ligatures are allowed, since
;; they are intended to appear as parts of words.
(or (not (string-match-p "^[[:alnum:]_]+$" input-string))
(member input-string fira-code--word-ligatures)
(condition-case nil
(and (not (string-match-p
(buffer-substring (1- start) start)))
(not (string-match-p
(buffer-substring end (1+ end)))))
(args-out-of-range nil)))

;; Prevent long sequences of repeating characters from being
;; turned into a weird combination of ligatures, such as when a
;; long line of = characters appears in a comment.
(condition-case nil
(not (or (equal input-string
(buffer-substring (1- start) (1- end)))
(equal input-string
(buffer-substring (1+ start) (1+ end)))))
(args-out-of-range t)))))

(defun fira-code--make-alist (list)
"Generate prettify-symbols alist from LIST."
(-lambda ([name input-string output-string])
(let ((pred-result
(funcall fira-code-enable-substitution-predicate
name input-string)))
(when pred-result
(when (stringp pred-result)
(setq input-string pred-result))
(cons input-string
(append '(?\s (Br . Br))
(cl-loop for n
from 2
to (string-width input-string)
append '(?\s (Br . Bl)))
(list (aref output-string 0)))))))

(defvar-local fira-code--old-prettify-alist nil)

(defun fira-code--prettify-symbols-compose-predicate (start end input-string)
(funcall fira-code-compose-predicate start end input-string))

(defun fira-code--enable ()
"Enable Fira Code ligatures in current buffer."
(setq-local fira-code--old-prettify-alist prettify-symbols-alist)
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist (append (fira-code--make-alist fira-code--data) fira-code--old-prettify-alist))
(setq-local prettify-symbols-compose-predicate
(prettify-symbols-mode t))

(defun fira-code--disable ()
"Disable Fira Code ligatures in current buffer."
(setq-local prettify-symbols-alist fira-code--old-prettify-alist)
(kill-local-variable 'prettify-symbols-compose-predicate)
(prettify-symbols-mode -1))

(define-minor-mode fira-code-mode
"Fira Code ligatures minor mode"
:lighter " "
(setq-local prettify-symbols-unprettify-at-point 'right-edge)
(if fira-code-mode

(provide 'fira-code)
