You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines

  1. # FREE
  2. IMAPStore free-remote
  3. Host
  4. User maximewack
  5. PassCmd "pass| head -n 1"
  6. SSLType IMAPS
  7. CertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  8. MaildirStore free-local
  9. Subfolders Verbatim
  10. Path ~/Mail/free/
  11. Inbox ~/Mail/free/Inbox
  12. Channel free
  13. Far :free-remote:
  14. Near :free-local:
  15. Patterns * !Chats !Contacts !"Emailed Contacts"
  16. Create Far
  17. Remove Far
  18. Expunge Both
  19. SyncState *
  20. # APHP
  21. IMAPStore aphp-remote
  22. Host localhost
  23. Port 1143
  24. User WPROD\\4117773
  25. SSLType None
  26. PassCmd "pass | head -n 1"
  27. AuthMechs LOGIN
  28. MaildirStore aphp-local
  29. Subfolders Verbatim
  30. Path ~/Mail/aphp/
  31. Inbox ~/Mail/aphp/Inbox
  32. Channel aphp
  33. Far :aphp-remote:
  34. Near :aphp-local:
  35. Patterns *
  36. Create Far
  37. Remove Far
  38. Expunge Both
  39. SyncState *
  40. # CHNO
  41. IMAPStore chno-remote
  42. Host localhost
  43. Port 1143
  44. User qvstd\\mwack
  45. SSLType None
  46. PassCmd "pass | head -n 1"
  47. AuthMechs LOGIN
  48. MaildirStore chno-local
  49. Subfolders Verbatim
  50. Path ~/Mail/chno/
  51. Inbox ~/Mail/chno/Inbox
  52. Channel chno
  53. Far :chno-remote:
  54. Near :chno-local:
  55. Patterns *
  56. Create Far
  57. Remove Far
  58. Expunge Both
  59. SyncState *