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137 lines

  1. ## System
  2. # Quit bspwm
  3. super + ctrl + Escape
  4. pkill -x panel; bspc quit
  5. # Reload sxhkd
  6. super + Escape
  7. pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
  8. # Lock
  9. super + z
  10. slimlock
  11. ## Monitors
  12. # Move node to the other monitor
  13. super + {_,shift} + percent
  14. bspc {monitor -f next,node -m next --follow}
  15. ## Desktop
  16. # Go to prev, next, nth or last desktop and back, optionally --carrying a node
  17. super + {_,shift} + {v,l,n,quotedbl,guillemotleft,guillemotright,parenleft,parenright,Delete,at,plus,minus,slash}
  18. carry={_,--carry}; \
  19. wm goto {prev,next,last, , ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} "$carry"
  20. # Send node to a new empty desktop at the far right (and follow)
  21. super + {_,shift} + j
  22. wm discard {_,--follow}
  23. # Rotate desktop
  24. super + {q,h}
  25. bspc node @focused:/ -R {270,90}
  26. # Balance desktop
  27. super + k
  28. bspc node @focused:/ -B
  29. # Show conky
  30. super + c
  31. wm peek left
  32. # Show calendar
  33. super + m
  34. wm peek right
  35. ## Nodes
  36. # Focus/swap to DIR
  37. super + {_,shift + }{t,s,d,r}
  38. bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east}
  39. # Focus to CYCLE_DIR
  40. super + w
  41. bspc node -f next.local
  42. # Preselect node to DIR
  43. super + ctrl + {t,s,d,r}
  44. bspc node -p \~{west,south,north,east}
  45. # Resize node to DIR
  46. super + alt + {t,s,d,r}
  47. bspc node @{west -r -100,south -r +100,north -r -100,east -r +100}
  48. super + alt + shift + {t,s,d,r}
  49. bspc node @{east -r -100,north -r +100,south -r -100,west -r +100}
  50. # Toggle floating/pseudo_tiles/fullscreen
  51. super + {y,x,period}
  52. bspc node -t \~{floating,tiled,fullscreen}
  53. # Move to presel
  54. super + b
  55. bspc node -n last.!automatic
  56. # Close node
  57. super + {g,agrave}
  58. bspc node -c
  59. ## Externals
  60. # Rnager
  61. super + space
  62. wm popup Ranger-vnc ranger
  63. # Volume
  64. super + e
  65. wm popup Volume-vnc pulsemixer
  66. # Weather
  67. super + p
  68. xdotool search --onlyvisible --classname Meteo windowkill ||\
  69. kitty --override background_opacity=0 -o background='#000000' -o font_size=9 --hold --name Meteo meteo_display && meteo
  70. # Pin pop-up window
  71. super + shift + space
  72. bspc node -g sticky=off -t tiled &&\
  73. xdotool getactivewindow set_window --classname urxvt
  74. # Launcher
  75. super + alt + space
  76. rofi -font "monofur for Powerline 18" -show
  77. # Open terminal
  78. super + ctrl + space
  79. kitty
  80. # Emacs client
  81. super + Return
  82. emacsclient -nc
  83. # Arandr
  84. XF86Display
  85. arandr
  86. ## Brightness control
  87. XF86MonBrightnessUp
  88. xbacklight +5
  89. XF86MonBrightnessDown
  90. xbacklight -5
  91. ## Audio
  92. XF86AudioPlay
  93. mpc toggle;\
  94. dunstify -r 1234 "`echo -e "\uf04b\uf04c"`"
  95. ## Screenshot
  96. Print
  97. scrot
  98. alt + Print
  99. scrot -s