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128 lines

  1. #!/bin/zsh
  2. bspc config border_width 0
  3. bspc config window_gap 10
  4. bspc config borderless_monocle true
  5. bspc config gapless_monocle true
  6. bspc config focus_by_distance true
  7. bspc config initial_polarity second_child
  8. bspc config split_ratio 0.6
  9. bspc config remove_unplugged_monitors true
  10. bspc config ignore_ewmh_focus true
  11. bspc config click_to_focus any
  12. bspc config pointer_modifier mod4
  13. bspc config pointer_action1 move
  14. bspc config pointer_action2 resize_corner
  15. bspc config presel_feedback_color "#FFFFFF"
  16. echo 1 > /tmp/lastdesk
  17. if [ "$HOST" = "laptop" ];then
  18. bspc monitor eDP1 -d    1
  19. elif [ "$HOST" = "hegp" ];then
  20. bspc monitor HDMI1 -d    1
  21. bspc monitor VGA1 -d I II
  22. elif [ "$HOST" = "home" ];then
  23. bspc config single_monocle true
  24. bspc config top_monocle_padding 10
  25. bspc monitor HDMI2 -d     1
  26. fi
  27. bspc rule -a Slack desktop=
  28. bspc rule -a TelegramDesktop desktop=
  29. bspc rule -a Skype desktop= state=tiled
  30. bspc rule -a Thunderbird desktop=
  31. bspc rule -a kitty:Mail desktop=
  32. bspc rule -a qutebrowser desktop=
  33. bspc rule -a Galculator state=floating
  34. bspc rule -a Arandr state=floating
  35. bspc rule -a Zathura state=tiled
  36. bspc rule -a Pinentry state=floating
  37. bspc rule -a Soffice state=tiled
  38. bspc rule -a Emacs state=tiled
  39. # Figures and PDFs on second monitor
  40. if [ "$HOST" = "hegp" ];then
  41. bspc rule -a R_x11 monitor=^2
  42. bspc rule -a Zathura monitor=^2
  43. fi
  44. # Popup CLI apps
  45. if [ "$HOST" = "laptop" ];then
  46. bspc rule -a kitty:Ranger sticky=on state=floating rectangle=1820x900+0+0 center=on
  47. bspc rule -a kitty:Music_playlist sticky=on state=floating rectangle=430x470+30+64
  48. bspc rule -a kitty:Music_media sticky=on state=floating rectangle=430x476+30+574
  49. bspc rule -a kitty:Music_playlist_home sticky=on state=floating rectangle=430x470+30+64
  50. bspc rule -a kitty:Music_media_home sticky=on state=floating rectangle=430x476+30+574
  51. bspc rule -a kitty:Wiki sticky=on state=floating rectangle=840x986+490+64
  52. bspc rule -a kitty:Volume sticky=on state=floating rectangle=530x270+1360+64
  53. bspc rule -a kitty:Torrent sticky=on state=floating rectangle=530x676+1360+374
  54. elif [ "$HOST" = "hegp" ];then
  55. bspc rule -a kitty:Volume monitor=^1 sticky=on state=floating rectangle=490x300+1170+30
  56. bspc rule -a kitty:Wiki monitor=^1 sticky=on state=floating rectangle=1000x1000+350+30
  57. bspc rule -a kitty:Ranger monitor=^1 sticky=on state=floating rectangle=1550x900+0+0 center=on
  58. bspc rule -a kitty:Music_playlist sticky=on state=floating rectangle=430x470+30+64
  59. bspc rule -a kitty:Music_media sticky=on state=floating rectangle=430x476+30+574
  60. elif [ "$HOST" = "home" ];then
  61. bspc rule -a kitty:Ranger sticky=on state=floating rectangle=1820x900+0+0 center=on
  62. bspc rule -a kitty:Music_playlist desktop=
  63. bspc rule -a kitty:Music_media desktop=
  64. bspc rule -a kitty:Volume sticky=on state=floating rectangle=600x400+1310+34
  65. bspc rule -a steam desktop=
  66. bspc rule -a emulationstation desktop= state=tiled
  67. fi
  68. bspc rule -a kitty:Meteo monitor=^1 sticky=on state=floating rectangle=880x580+500+70
  69. bspc rule -a kitty:evimwhere state=floating rectangle=920x580+500+250
  70. mpd
  71. greenclip daemon &
  72. udiskie -s &
  73. wmname compiz
  74. dunst &
  75. redshift &
  76. compton -b
  77. xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
  78. if [ "$HOST" = "hegp" ];then
  79. davmail &
  80. hsetroot -fill .config/bspwm/cat_sitting_hegp.png
  81. else
  82. hsetroot -tile .config/bspwm/cat.png
  83. fi
  84. conky -d -c .config/conky/conkyrc &
  85. panel &
  86. popup Ranger ranger &
  87. sleep 1
  88. if [ "$HOST" = "home" ];then
  89. synergyc laptop
  90. steam &
  91. emulationstation --windowed &
  92. kitty --name Music_media ncmpcpp -s media_library &
  93. kitty --name Music_playlist ncmpcpp -s playlist &
  94. else
  95. tray &
  96. unclutter &
  97. telegram-desktop &
  98. slack &
  99. kitty --name Mail neomutt &
  100. fi
  101. qutebrowser &
  102. popup Ranger
  103. if [ "$HOST" = "laptop" ];then
  104. nm-applet --sm-disable &
  105. synergys &
  106. fi
  107. if [ "$HOST" = "home" ];then
  108. bspc config top_padding 34
  109. else
  110. bspc config top_padding 14
  111. fi