You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

698 lines

  1. # vim: ft=conf
  2. #
  3. # In this config file, qutebrowser's key bindings are configured.
  4. # The format looks like this:
  5. #
  6. # [keymode]
  7. #
  8. # command
  9. # keychain
  10. # keychain2
  11. # ...
  12. #
  13. # All blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.
  14. # Inline-comments are not permitted.
  15. #
  16. # keymode is a comma separated list of modes in which the key binding should be
  17. # active. If keymode starts with !, the key binding is active in all modes
  18. # except the listed modes.
  19. #
  20. # For special keys (can't be part of a keychain), enclose them in `<`...`>`.
  21. # For modifiers, you can use either `-` or `+` as delimiters, and these names:
  22. #
  23. # * Control: `Control`, `Ctrl`
  24. # * Meta: `Meta`, `Windows`, `Mod4`
  25. # * Alt: `Alt`, `Mod1`
  26. # * Shift: `Shift`
  27. #
  28. # For simple keys (no `<>`-signs), a capital letter means the key is pressed
  29. # with Shift. For special keys (with `<>`-signs), you need to explicitly add
  30. # `Shift-` to match a key pressed with shift.
  31. #
  32. # Note that default keybindings are always bound, and need to be explicitly
  33. # unbound if you wish to remove them:
  34. #
  35. # <unbound>
  36. # keychain
  37. # keychain2
  38. # ...
  39. [!normal]
  40. leave-mode
  41. <escape>
  42. <ctrl-[>
  43. [normal]
  44. # Keybindings for normal mode.
  45. clear-keychain ;; search ;; fullscreen --leave
  46. <escape>
  47. set-cmd-text -s :open
  48. J
  49. set-cmd-text :open {url}
  50. go
  51. set-cmd-text -s :open -t
  52. j
  53. set-cmd-text :open -t {url}
  54. gO
  55. set-cmd-text -s :open -b
  56. xo
  57. set-cmd-text :open -b {url}
  58. xO
  59. set-cmd-text -s :open -w
  60. wo
  61. set-cmd-text :open -w {url}
  62. wO
  63. open -t
  64. ga
  65. <ctrl-t>
  66. tab-close
  67. q
  68. <ctrl-w>
  69. tab-only
  70. co
  71. tab-focus
  72. l
  73. tab-move
  74. gm
  75. tab-move -
  76. gv
  77. tab-move +
  78. gl
  79. tab-prev
  80. v
  81. tab-clone
  82. gC
  83. reload
  84. m
  85. reload -f
  86. R
  87. back
  88. gt
  89. back -t
  90. gT
  91. back -w
  92. gW
  93. forward
  94. gr
  95. forward -t
  96. gR
  97. forward -w
  98. gw
  99. fullscreen
  100. <f11>
  101. hint
  102. f
  103. hint all tab
  104. F
  105. hint all window
  106. wf
  107. hint all tab-bg
  108. ;b
  109. hint all tab-fg
  110. ;r
  111. hint all hover
  112. ;h
  113. hint images
  114. ;i
  115. hint images tab
  116. ;I
  117. hint images tab-bg
  118. .i
  119. hint links fill :open {hint-url}
  120. ;o
  121. hint links fill :open -t {hint-url}
  122. ;O
  123. hint links fill :open -b {hint-url}
  124. .o
  125. hint links yank
  126. ;y
  127. hint links yank-primary
  128. ;Y
  129. hint --rapid links tab-bg
  130. ;f
  131. hint --rapid links window
  132. ;R
  133. hint links download
  134. ;d
  135. scroll left
  136. t
  137. scroll down
  138. s
  139. scroll up
  140. d
  141. scroll right
  142. r
  143. undo
  144. h
  145. <ctrl-shift-t>
  146. scroll-perc 0
  147. gg
  148. scroll-perc
  149. G
  150. search-next
  151. n
  152. search-prev
  153. N
  154. enter-mode insert
  155. i
  156. enter-mode caret
  157. c
  158. yank
  159. yy
  160. yank -s
  161. yY
  162. yank title
  163. yt
  164. yank title -s
  165. yT
  166. yank domain
  167. yd
  168. yank domain -s
  169. yD
  170. open -- {clipboard}
  171. pp
  172. open -- {primary}
  173. pP
  174. open -t -- {clipboard}
  175. Pp
  176. open -t -- {primary}
  177. PP
  178. open -w -- {clipboard}
  179. wp
  180. open -w -- {primary}
  181. wP
  182. set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load
  183. b
  184. set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load -t
  185. B
  186. set-cmd-text -s :quickmark-load -w
  187. wb
  188. set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load
  189. gb
  190. set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load -t
  191. gB
  192. set-cmd-text -s :bookmark-load -w
  193. wB
  194. zoom-out
  195. -
  196. zo
  197. zoom-in
  198. +
  199. zi
  200. zoom
  201. =
  202. zz
  203. navigate prev
  204. [[
  205. navigate next
  206. ]]
  207. navigate prev -t
  208. {{
  209. navigate next -t
  210. }}
  211. navigate up
  212. gu
  213. navigate up -t
  214. gU
  215. navigate increment
  216. <ctrl-a>
  217. navigate decrement
  218. <ctrl-x>
  219. inspector
  220. wi
  221. download
  222. gd
  223. download-cancel
  224. ad
  225. download-clear
  226. cd
  227. view-source
  228. gf
  229. tab-focus last
  230. <ctrl-tab>
  231. enter-mode passthrough
  232. <ctrl-v>
  233. quit
  234. <ctrl-q>
  235. scroll-page 0 1
  236. <ctrl-s>
  237. scroll-page 0 -1
  238. <ctrl-d>
  239. scroll-page 0 0.5
  240. S
  241. scroll-page 0 -0.5
  242. D
  243. tab-focus 1
  244. <alt-1>
  245. tab-focus 2
  246. <alt-2>
  247. tab-focus 3
  248. <alt-3>
  249. tab-focus 4
  250. <alt-4>
  251. tab-focus 5
  252. <alt-5>
  253. tab-focus 6
  254. <alt-6>
  255. tab-focus 7
  256. <alt-7>
  257. tab-focus 8
  258. <alt-8>
  259. tab-focus 9
  260. <alt-9>
  261. home
  262. <ctrl-h>
  263. stop
  264. <ctrl-z>
  265. print
  266. <ctrl-alt-p>
  267. follow-selected
  268. <return>
  269. <ctrl-m>
  270. <ctrl-j>
  271. <shift-return>
  272. <enter>
  273. <shift-enter>
  274. follow-selected -t
  275. <ctrl-return>
  276. <ctrl-enter>
  277. <unbound>
  278. ss
  279. sl
  280. sk
  281. Ss
  282. sf
  283. spawn mpv {url}
  284. p
  285. quickmark-save
  286. M
  287. hint links spawn mpv {hint-url}
  288. P
  289. open -w
  290. <ctrl-n>
  291. enter-mode set_mark
  292. `
  293. enter-mode jump_mark
  294. '
  295. yank pretty-url
  296. yp
  297. yank pretty-url -s
  298. yP
  299. hint inputs
  300. ;t
  301. repeat-command
  302. .
  303. yank selection
  304. y
  305. spawn --userscript password_fill
  306. <space>
  307. set-cmd-text /
  308. /
  309. set-cmd-text ?
  310. ?
  311. set-cmd-text :
  312. :
  313. tab-next
  314. <ctrl-pgdown>
  315. run-macro
  316. @
  317. wq
  318. ZZ
  319. tab-focus -1
  320. g$
  321. tab-pin
  322. <ctrl-p>
  323. [insert]
  324. # Keybindings for insert mode.
  325. # Since normal keypresses are passed through, only special keys are
  326. # supported in this mode.
  327. # Useful hidden commands to map in this section:
  328. # * `open-editor`: Open a texteditor with the focused field.
  329. # * `paste-primary`: Paste primary selection at cursor position.
  330. open-editor
  331. <ctrl-e>
  332. insert-text {primary}
  333. <shift-ins>
  334. [hint]
  335. # Keybindings for hint mode.
  336. # Since normal keypresses are passed through, only special keys are
  337. # supported in this mode.
  338. # Useful hidden commands to map in this section:
  339. # * `follow-hint`: Follow the currently selected hint.
  340. follow-hint
  341. <return>
  342. <ctrl-m>
  343. <ctrl-j>
  344. <shift-return>
  345. <enter>
  346. <shift-enter>
  347. hint --rapid links download
  348. <ctrl-d>
  349. hint all tab-bg
  350. <ctrl-b>
  351. hint --rapid links tab-bg
  352. <ctrl-r>
  353. hint links
  354. <ctrl-f>
  355. [command]
  356. # Keybindings for command mode.
  357. # Since normal keypresses are passed through, only special keys are
  358. # supported in this mode.
  359. # Useful hidden commands to map in this section:
  360. # * `command-history-prev`: Switch to previous command in history.
  361. # * `command-history-next`: Switch to next command in history.
  362. # * `completion-item-focus`: Select another item in completion.
  363. # * `command-accept`: Execute the command currently in the commandline.
  364. command-history-prev
  365. <ctrl-p>
  366. command-history-next
  367. <ctrl-n>
  368. completion-item-focus prev
  369. <shift-tab>
  370. <up>
  371. completion-item-focus next
  372. <tab>
  373. <down>
  374. completion-item-del
  375. <ctrl-d>
  376. command-accept
  377. <return>
  378. <ctrl-m>
  379. <ctrl-j>
  380. <shift-return>
  381. <enter>
  382. <shift-enter>
  383. completion-item-focus next-category
  384. <ctrl-tab>
  385. completion-item-focus prev-category
  386. <ctrl-shift-tab>
  387. [prompt]
  388. # Keybindings for prompts in the status line.
  389. # You can bind normal keys in this mode, but they will be only active
  390. # when a yes/no-prompt is asked. For other prompt modes, you can only
  391. # bind special keys.
  392. # Useful hidden commands to map in this section:
  393. # * `prompt-accept`: Confirm the entered value.
  394. # * `prompt-accept yes`: Answer yes to a yes/no question.
  395. # * `prompt-accept no`: Answer no to a yes/no question.
  396. prompt-accept
  397. <return>
  398. <ctrl-m>
  399. <ctrl-j>
  400. <shift-return>
  401. <enter>
  402. <shift-enter>
  403. prompt-accept yes
  404. y
  405. prompt-accept no
  406. n
  407. prompt-open-download
  408. <ctrl-x>
  409. prompt-item-focus prev
  410. <shift-tab>
  411. <up>
  412. prompt-item-focus next
  413. <tab>
  414. <down>
  415. [command,prompt]
  416. rl-backward-char
  417. <ctrl-b>
  418. rl-forward-char
  419. <ctrl-f>
  420. rl-backward-word
  421. <alt-b>
  422. rl-forward-word
  423. <alt-f>
  424. rl-beginning-of-line
  425. <ctrl-a>
  426. rl-end-of-line
  427. <ctrl-e>
  428. rl-unix-line-discard
  429. <ctrl-u>
  430. rl-kill-line
  431. <ctrl-k>
  432. rl-kill-word
  433. <alt-d>
  434. rl-unix-word-rubout
  435. <ctrl-w>
  436. <alt-backspace>
  437. rl-yank
  438. <ctrl-y>
  439. rl-delete-char
  440. <ctrl-?>
  441. rl-backward-delete-char
  442. <ctrl-h>
  443. [caret]
  444. toggle-selection
  445. v
  446. <space>
  447. drop-selection
  448. <ctrl-space>
  449. enter-mode normal
  450. c
  451. move-to-next-line
  452. j
  453. move-to-prev-line
  454. k
  455. move-to-next-char
  456. l
  457. move-to-prev-char
  458. h
  459. move-to-end-of-word
  460. e
  461. move-to-next-word
  462. w
  463. move-to-prev-word
  464. b
  465. move-to-start-of-next-block
  466. ]
  467. move-to-start-of-prev-block
  468. [
  469. move-to-end-of-next-block
  470. }
  471. move-to-end-of-prev-block
  472. {
  473. move-to-start-of-line
  474. 0
  475. move-to-end-of-line
  476. $
  477. move-to-start-of-document
  478. gg
  479. move-to-end-of-document
  480. G
  481. yank selection -s
  482. Y
  483. yank selection
  484. y
  485. <return>
  486. <ctrl-m>
  487. <ctrl-j>
  488. <shift-return>
  489. <enter>
  490. <shift-enter>
  491. scroll left
  492. H
  493. scroll down
  494. J
  495. scroll up
  496. K
  497. scroll right
  498. L