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  1. % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
  2. % Please edit documentation in R/i2b2_msg.R
  3. \name{add_body}
  4. \alias{add_body}
  5. \title{Add the body to the message}
  6. \usage{
  7. add_body(msg, service, ..., attrib = NULL)
  8. }
  9. \arguments{
  10. \item{msg}{The XML message to add the body to}
  11. \item{service}{The service to request in the body message}
  12. \item{...}{Optionnaly named tags to add inside the body, with their value}
  13. \item{attrib}{A list of XML attributes to add to the service tag}
  14. }
  15. \value{
  16. The XML message list object
  17. }
  18. \description{
  19. Add the body to the XML message
  20. }
  21. \details{
  22. Add the body to the XML message created by base_msg and passed through add_header
  23. base_msg can be piped into add_header and then into add_body to build a message
  24. }