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Deleted report

Maxime Wack 6 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 223 deletions
  1. +0

+ 0
- 223
report.rmd View File

@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
title: Endoscopies
toc: true
toc_float: true
endoscopies: NA
endoscopies_ext: NA
endoscopies_hos: NA
liste_actes: NA

```{r setup, message = F, warning = F, echo = F}

endoscopies <- params$endoscopies
endoscopies_ext <- params$endoscopies_ext
endoscopies_hos <- params$endoscopies_hos
liste_actes <- params$liste_actes

opts_chunk$set(message = F,
echo = F,
warning = F)
options(DT.options = list(paging = F,
searching = F,
info = F,
dom = "Bfrtip",
buttons = c("copy", "excel")))

# Codes utilisés {.tabset}

## ORL

```{r liste_orl}
liste_actes %>%
filter(Appareil == "ORL") %>%
select(- Appareil) %>%
datatable(rownames = F, options = list(paging = T, searching = T))

## Digestif

```{r liste_dig}
liste_actes %>%
filter(Appareil == "Digestif") %>%
select(- Appareil) %>%
datatable(rownames = F, options = list(paging = T, searching = T))

## Respiratoire

```{r liste_respi}
liste_actes %>%
filter(Appareil == "Respiratoire") %>%
select(- Appareil) %>%
datatable(rownames = F, options = list(paging = T, searching = T))

## Génito-urinaire

```{r liste_uro}
liste_actes %>%
filter(Appareil == "Genito-urinaire") %>%
select(- Appareil) %>%
datatable(rownames = F, options = list(paging = T, searching = T))

# Global

## Total

```{r global_total}
endoscopies %>%
summarise(Venues = n_distinct(Venue)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
extensions = "Buttons")

## Par service exécutant
```{r global_par_service}
endoscopies %>%
group_by(Service) %>%
summarise(Venues = n_distinct(Venue)) %>%
ungroup %>%
arrange(desc(Venues)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
extensions = "Buttons")

# Externe

## Total
```{r ext_total}
endoscopies_ext %>%
summarise(Venues = n_distinct(Venue),
Valorisation = sum(Tarif)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
extensions = "Buttons") %>%
formatCurrency(2, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F)

## Par appareil
```{r ext_par_appareil}
endoscopies_ext %>%
group_by(Appareil) %>%
summarise(Venues = n_distinct(Venue),
Valorisation = sum(Tarif)) %>%
arrange(desc(Valorisation)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
extensions = "Buttons") %>%
formatCurrency(3, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F)

## Par acte
```{r ext_par_acte}
endoscopies_ext %>%
group_by(Acte, Acte_libelle) %>%
summarise(Venues = n_distinct(Venue),
Valorisation = sum(Tarif)) %>%
ungroup %>%
arrange(desc(Valorisation)) %>%
datatable(options = list(paging = T, searching = T),
colnames = c("Libelle" = "Acte_libelle"),
rownames = F,
extensions = "Buttons") %>%
formatCurrency(4, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F)

## Par service exécutant
```{r ext_par_service}
endoscopies_ext %>%
group_by(Service) %>%
summarise(Venues = n_distinct(Venue),
Valorisation = sum(Tarif)) %>%
ungroup %>%
arrange(desc(Valorisation)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
extensions = "Buttons") %>%
formatCurrency(3, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F)

## Par service exécutant et par acte
```{r ext_par_acte_et_service}
endoscopies_ext %>%
group_by(Service, Acte, Acte_libelle) %>%
summarise(Venues = n_distinct(Venue),
Valorisation = sum(Tarif)) %>%
arrange(Service, desc(Valorisation)) %>%
ungroup %>%
datatable(options = list(paging = T, searching = T),
colnames = c("Libelle" = "Acte_libelle"),
rownames = F,
extensions = "Buttons",
filter = "top") %>%
formatCurrency(5, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F)

# Hospitalisation

## Total
```{r total_hos}
endoscopies_hos %>%
summarise(RSS = n(),
Valorisation = sum(Valorisation)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
extensions = "Buttons") %>%
formatCurrency(2, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F)

## Par durée d'hospitalisation
```{r hos_par_durée}
endoscopies_hos %>%
group_by(Type_duree) %>%
summarise(RSS = n(),
Valorisation = sum(Valorisation)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
colnames = c("Durée" = "Type_duree"),
extensions = "Buttons") %>%
formatCurrency(3, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F)

## Par GHM {.tabset}

### 0 ou 1j
```{r ghm_hos_0j}
endoscopies_hos %>%
filter(Type_duree == "0 ou 1 j") %>%
group_by(GHM, GHM_libelle) %>%
summarise(RSS = n(),
Valorisation = sum(Valorisation)) %>%
ungroup %>%
arrange(desc(RSS)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
colnames = c("Libelle GHM" = "GHM_libelle"),
options = list(paging = T),
extensions = "Buttons") %>%
formatCurrency(4, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F) %>%

### 1+ j
```{r ghm_hos_1j}
endoscopies_hos %>%
filter(Type_duree == "1+ j") %>%
group_by(GHM, GHM_libelle) %>%
summarise(RSS = n(),
Valorisation = sum(Valorisation)) %>%
ungroup %>%
arrange(desc(RSS)) %>%
datatable(rownames = F,
colnames = c("Libelle GHM" = "GHM_libelle"),
options = list(paging = T),
extensions = "Buttons") %>%
formatCurrency(4, currency = "€", dec.mark = ",", mark = " ", before = F) %>%
